
By Jaime Aron, 美国心脏协会 线上电子游戏飞禽走兽

洛杉矶公羊队防守协调员拉希姆·莫里斯(右)和怀亚特·斯坦利, the 3-year-old Morris helped save from drowning. (图片由妮可 Morris提供)
洛杉矶公羊队防守协调员拉希姆·莫里斯(右)和怀亚特·斯坦利, the 3-year-old Morris helped save from drowning. (图片由妮可 Morris提供)

拉希姆·莫里斯把这个问题留给了他13岁的女儿阿玛亚:他们应该去游泳池吗? 或者去游乐场?

那是阵亡将士纪念日的周末,莫里斯, the defensive coordinator for the Los Angeles Rams, 在拉斯维加斯. 他和他的妻子带着他们的孩子,7岁的玛丽亚和4岁的贾伦,在前一天晚上飞过来. Around midday Saturday, Amaya arrived from Florida.

With the others at the pool, Amaya was eager to join them.


As Amaya jumped in and started splashing around with her siblings, 拉希姆在一张躺椅上坐了下来. 他要了一杯饮料. 在它到达之前,发生了一些事情. Something that altered the lives of several families – and, Raheem希望, 每个读到这篇文章的人的生活.


The longer version is rich in detail and lessons. Raheem is sharing it to inspire others to learn 心肺复苏 and how to use an AED. 毕竟, he 最近发生了两件震惊NFL大家庭的线上娱乐电子游戏网站:布法罗比尔队安全队员达马尔·哈姆林在场上心脏骤停,以及坦帕湾海盗队后卫沙奎尔·巴雷特两岁的女儿溺水身亡.

Less than two weeks after his training, Raheem put it into action.

“如果我没有选那门课的话, 我就不知道该怎么办了,他告诉美国心脏协会线上电子游戏飞禽走兽.


在2023年的第一个星期一晚上, Raheem was working at home and keeping an eye on the Bills-Bengals game. He saw Hamlin make a routine tackle, stand up, then collapse. The then-24-year-old's heart had stopped beating.

The chain of survival played out perfectly. 哈姆林立即收到, 高质量的心肺复苏, 保持血液和氧气的流动, 然后用除颤器将他的心脏恢复到正常的心律. He's made a full recovery, even returning to practice.

不过,当时在场的每个人都很困惑,最重要的是吓坏了. 包括Raheem. 玛丽亚和贾伦也在观看. 在他们明白哈姆林的生命危在旦夕之前,他赶紧关掉了电视.

那一周剩下的线上电子游戏飞禽走兽里,在拉姆斯总部,几乎所有的谈话都围绕着哈姆林. Players and coaches feared their own mortality. 他在NFL效力了20年, 拉希姆只记得有一次,一个问题如此紧紧地抓住了所有人, 如此之快:当COVID-19来袭时.

"We had to find ways to give everyone peace of mind,拉希姆说.

Reggie Scott, the team's head athletic trainer, came up with one.


斯科特提出了俱乐部的提议 心肺复苏术培训 and how to use an AED, short for automated external defibrillator. 拉希姆非常兴奋,他告诉斯科特所有的防守人员都会参加.

5月中旬的一个下午,防守教练们在球队总部进行了训练. When they finished, the offensive coaches 太k their place.

洛杉矶公羊队的防守教练们在球队总部参加了心肺复苏术的培训课程——就在怀亚特差点淹死的12天前. (美国心脏协会)
洛杉矶公羊队的防守教练们在球队总部参加心肺复苏术培训课程——就在怀亚特·斯坦利差点淹死的12天前. (美国心脏协会)

Turnout was high because motivation was high.

In addition to Hamlin's happy outcome still fresh on everyone's mind, 更新鲜是一个悲哀的结果.

On May 1, Arrayah Barrett drowned in her home pool in Tampa, Florida. 这对拉希姆来说尤其不和谐. 作为海盗队的前任主教练,他仍然与那里的人关系密切.

"A lot of us coaches have young kids and pregnant wives, 我们很多人都有游泳池,拉希姆说. "It makes you realize how easily something can go wrong."

Twelve days later, Raheem was poolside in Las Vegas.


乔·斯坦利在泳池边, 太, 这时,他7岁的儿子跑过来,给他捎了一条紧急消息:“怀亚特! 怀亚特! 他在水里!"

Joe dove in and found his 3-year-old son face down at the bottom. Joe grabbed 怀亚特, swam to the surface and screamed for help.

About 15 yards away, Raheem turned to look. His eyes immediately landed on 怀亚特's deep blue skin.

As Raheem rushed over, his recent training kicked in.

第一步:拨打911. 他看到很多人都这么做.

第二步:开始心肺复苏. He told the lifeguard to do that, then moved to step 3.


Raheem ran to the pool check-in area where the AED was, 抓住它跑了回去, 我一直在想他回来后需要接手胸外按压. 于是他在脑海中排练了这些步骤: 双手放在胸前. 向下推胸骨. Keep pressing to the pace of the song "Stayin' Alive."

Then he got to 怀亚特 and the lifeguard wasn't performing 心肺复苏.

是博士. Andrew Oleksyn, an emergency room physician.


Oleksyn停止了压缩, cradled 怀亚特's head and in a calm tone said to Raheem: "There's no pulse. 我们需要使用AED."

拉希姆和奥利克辛 got the pads connected and placed on 怀亚特. The machine recommended delivering an electric shock. 他们照做了,希望它能恢复男孩心脏里已经消失的节奏.



拉希姆跳起来,开始移动桌椅和其他设备,为医护人员腾出道路. When they arrived and placed 怀亚特 on a gurney, the boy started to cry.

"Hearing that was the biggest relief ever,拉希姆说.


随着事情的发展, Raheem的妻子, 妮可, noticed a boy and girl wearing swimsuits similar to 怀亚特's.

“我弟弟还活着吗??一个孩子问她. “他会死吗??"

Realizing these were 怀亚特's siblings, she whisked them from the scene. 这是一个高风险的版本,拉希姆关掉电视,这样他的孩子们就不能看到哈姆林的事情了.


Once 怀亚特 was headed to the hospital, Raheem began processing everything.



"How fortunate was it that we did the training?拉希姆告诉他. “我不只是一个旁观者. 我还能帮上忙."

怀亚特 traveled home with his family days later.

真是个奇迹,他的母亲说, Kelseigh斯坦利, 在“早安美国”节目中,她的家人团聚了, 拉希姆和奥利克辛.


在所有需要从旁观者那里得到心肺复苏术的人中,只有不到一半的人在救援到来之前得到了心肺复苏术. 但是如果有一个旁观者来做心肺复苏术,存活的机会会增加一倍或三倍.


Playing defense is all about assessing what's happening, figuring out how to thwart it and then doing it.

With a child's life on the line, that's exactly what Raheem did.

拉希姆说:“你讨厌用足球术语来形容这样的事情,但确实有相似之处。. “如果你是一个游戏参与者, you have to ignore the stadium noise around you to sit in calm, 有意识的思考并做出决定. 在泳池,也是一样. Turn off the noise, stay calm and focus on the task at hand."

Since helping save 怀亚特, Raheem keeps noticing AEDs 到处都是 he goes. 包括他的家. He bought one for his house, another for his lake house.

"I'm shocked they're not more readily available," he said. “很多高中都没有. They should be as common as fire extinguishers."

妮可 is getting into the lifesaving spirit, 太. She's organizing a 心肺复苏 and AED training class for the wives of Rams coaches.


Los Angeles Rams defensive coordinator Raheem Morris (right), 比尔安全和心脏骤停幸存者达玛·哈姆林和公羊队接球手图图·阿特韦尔在美国心脏协会支持国家救生倡议的活动中. (美国心脏协会)
Los Angeles Rams defensive coordinator Raheem Morris (right), 6月,比尔安全和心脏骤停幸存者达玛·哈姆林(中)和公羊队接球手图图·阿特韦尔在美国心脏协会的一次活动中支持国家救生倡议. (美国心脏协会)

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