
How much do you really know about your heart health? 人们很容易被误解所迷惑. 毕竟, 心脏病 only happens to your elderly neighbor or to your fried food-loving uncle, 正确的? 或者你知道真正的真相吗 心脏病 can affect people of any age, even those who eat 正确的?

依赖错误的假设可能是危险的. 在美国,心血管疾病导致更多成年人死亡.S. 每年都比其他疾病多. But you can boost your heart smarts by separating fact from fiction. 让我们来澄清一些常见的误解.

  1. “我还太年轻,不能担心心脏病.”
    How you live now affects your risk for cardiovascular diseases later in life. 早在儿童和青少年时期, plaque can start building up in the arteries 和 later lead to clogged arteries. 几乎每两个美国人中就有一个.S. adults (age 20 和 older) has cardiovascular disease, but not all of them are senior citizens. Even young 和 middle-aged people can develop heart problems – especially now that obesity, 2型糖尿病 和 其他风险因素 是否在年轻时变得越来越普遍.

  2. “I’d know if I had high blood pressure because there would be warning signs.”
    高血压 is called the “silent killer” because you don’t usually know you have it. You may never experience 症状, so don’t wait for your body to alert you that there’s a problem. 的 way to know if you have high blood pressure is to check your numbers with a simple blood pressure test. Early 治疗 of high blood pressure is critical. 如果不及时治疗, 高血压会导致心脏病发作, 中风, 肾脏损伤和其他严重的健康问题. 了解如何诊断高血压.

  3. “我知道我什么时候有。 心脏病 因为我会胸痛.”
    不一定. Although it’s common to have chest pain or discomfort, 心脏病 症状 可能很微妙. 这些症状包括呼吸急促, 恶心想吐, feeling lightheaded 和 pain or discomfort in one or both arms, 下巴, 颈部或背部. Even if you’re not sure it’s a 心脏病, call 911 immediately. 今天了解心脏病发作的风险!

  4. “Diabetes won’t harm my heart as long as I take my medication.”
    治疗糖尿病 can help reduce your risk for or delay cardiovascular diseases. But even when blood sugar levels are under control, 你的风险仍然在增加 对心脏病和 中风. That’s because the risk factors that contribute to diabetes onset also make you more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. 这些 重叠的风险因素 include high blood pressure, overweight 和 obesity, physical inactivity 和 smoking.

  5. “Heart disease runs in my family, so there’s nothing I can do to prevent it.”
    尽管有 家族病史 of 心脏病 are at higher risk, you can take steps to dramatically reduce your risk. 创建一个 行动计划 to keep your heart healthy by tackling these to-dos: 得到积极的; control cholesterol; 吃得更好; manage blood pressure; maintain a healthy weight; control blood sugar; manage stress; get quality sleep 和 停止吸烟.

  6. “I don’t need to have my cholesterol checked until I’m middle-aged.”
    Measurement of risk factors in young adults allows for the estimation of lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease. Young adults with moderately high LDC (bad cholesterol) levels (160-189 mg/dl) may be c和idates for cholesterol-lowering drugs. After age 20, traditional risk factors should be checked every four to six years. 你可以帮助你自己和你的家人 健康的饮食习惯 和 定期锻炼.

  7. “心力衰竭意味着心脏停止跳动.”
    心脏突然停止跳动 心脏骤停而不是心力衰竭. 与 心脏衰竭, the heart keeps working, but it doesn’t pump blood as well as it should. 它会导致呼吸短促, swelling in the feet 和 ankles or persistent coughing 和 wheezing. During 心脏骤停, a person loses consciousness 和 stops normal breathing.

  8. “我腿疼一定是衰老的征兆. 我确定这和我的心脏没有关系.”
    Leg pain felt in the muscles could be a sign of a condition called peripheral artery disease.  results from blocked arteries in the legs caused by 斑块形成. 的 心脏病发作或中风的风险 对于患有垫的人来说.

  9. “我的心跳得很快. 我一定是心脏病发作了.”
    在你的 心率 是正常的. Your 心率 speeds up during exercise or when you get excited 和 slows down when you’re sleeping. Most of the time, a change in your heartbeat is nothing to worry about. 但有时,这可能是一种征兆 心律失常不正常或不规则的心跳. 有些心律失常是无害的, but some can last long enough to impact how well the heart works 和 require 治疗.

  10. “I should avoid exercise after having a 心脏病.”
    No! 行动起来 尽快制定出适合你的计划! Research shows that 心脏病 survivors who are regularly physically active 和 make other heart-healthy changes live longer than those who don’t. People with chronic conditions typically find that moderate-intensity activity is safe 和 beneficial. 的 美国心脏协会 recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week for overall cardiovascular health. Find the help you need by joining a cardiac rehabilitation program, but first consult your health care professional for advice on developing a physical activity plan tailored to your needs.